HomeArtificial IntelligenceArtificial Intelligence EducationTransforming Ecommerce Shopping Experience with Multilingual Chatbots

Transforming Ecommerce Shopping Experience with Multilingual Chatbots


If you have been a user of mobile app, web and social media for all these years, the chatbots must not have missed your attention. Chatbots or the intelligent conversational application that can reply to queries and give suggestions based on user preferences and behavior have been one of the key components of modern digital experience. Now professional web or mobile app development company focuses on delivering customer-centric user experience and in that regard Chatbots play a huge role. Chatbots are used by mobile apps, websites and social media platforms abundantly now to replace the human efforts in communicating with the users.

Well, these Chatbots also have evolved over the years and remained no longer the same. The first generation Chatbots that were mainly robotic applications capable of answering a fixed set of questions have evolved a lot, and now we have more intelligent Chatbots that can understand the user preferences and queries from the depth and make suggestions and replies that perfectly suit the context. Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) are three key technologies that made a huge impact on the evolution of Chatbots.

The latest advancement for Chatbots has been in the capability of understanding and making conversation with several different languages. Instead of mechanically translating the said words or typed texts, these Chatbots now can literally have a natural conversation in hundreds of different languages. These multilingual Chatbots made a new promise for eCommerce and business apps to interact with consumers in a much result-driven manner. Here we are going to explain how multilingual chatbots are really going to make substantial value-addition to eCommerce websites and apps.

I’ll help you/ Je vais vous aider/ Te ayudare /…

Whether it is an incoming customer in your brick and mortar store down the small lane or a customer visiting your online store, all of them will feel comfortable and easy simply by speaking in the native language. A considerable portion of the audience simply leaves a store simply because of the non-availability of other languages except English. From the FAQ section to the navigation buttons to the contents like product descriptions and video, customers expect everything to be in their native language.

Now, multilingual Chatbots have come as the simplest and most effective solution to this. You can localize the web pages and the FAQ to help people read the contents in their native languages, but when it comes to communicating them, the challenge becomes obvious. This is where multilingual intelligent Chatbots replacing the traditional customer service representatives can help tremendously. When Chatbots reply and make conversation in native languages, the web user can feel at perfect ease.

Key Tips for Implementing Multilingual Chatbots for Your Ecommerce Store

Well, you want your Chatbots to talk and communicate like a polyglot and a native person with proficiency in the local language. That’s what multilingual Chatbots are meant to do. But how to implement them for your eCommerce store correctly and ensure optimum user experience benefits? This is precisely the reason why we are here to explain a few things. Let’s have a look.

Addressing the problem of accent and local expressions

The Chatbots first of all need to reply in the accent that fits the user’s native language. Accents in any language vary to a great extent, and they are often not instantly understandable. A similar problem occurs in respect of local or native expressions as well. A bot capable of speaking only American English may not understand a native expression in a far eastern country or cannot pronounce a product name correctly which is common to that native language. There are a few ways to address these differences in spite of your constraints. Let’s have a look at them.

● If you have a budget constraint for a fully-fledged multilingual approach, you can rather stick to a few relevant and closely related languages that are close to your target market. For instance, a web store targeting Nordic countries can use Norwegian or Swedish language and can still be understood in all Nordic countries.
● Secondly, while using multilingual bots, you need to take extra care about speaking out certain expressions that really matter for your business niche. The Chatbot must be trained to speak specific native terms and expressions that are trending, frequently spoken and are engaging for the audience. After all, the Chatbot instead of behaving like transcribing bot should actually behave more humanistically.

Make Sure the Bot Understands the Speaker and His Context

Cultural awareness and learning the intents of the native users over time is an excellent quality that every Chatbot needs to attend to. Is it too much to ask from a Chatbot? No, with the Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing technologies in place, now a Chatbot is more capable of engaging in user profiling based on intents and preferences. By learning the native expressions used across different contexts, the Chatbot can also be culturally trained and equipped over time. This is why for a multilingual Chatbot understanding the reason, context and the person are equally important.

Easy Translation Management

Building a Chatbot that can communicate in several languages requires handling the challenges concerning translation. This is always done better with a systematic cloning methodology. You need to use a “Primary” language in which all contents will be created at first. The translated contents will be created as dummy or placeholder contents following this. With each addition of content in master language, placeholder translated contents will continue to be added. This will simplify and accelerate the entire process.

Utilize a Tool for Detecting the Language

For any multilingual bots, it is a customary task to detect the language used by the customer as early as possible in the communication. This requires using a quality tool for language detection. Utilizing this tool along with your multi-language knowledge base will help the bot to identify the language and iterate accordingly.


As the globe is increasingly becoming closer and paving the way for communication across diverse linguistic communities thanks to the web and mobile apps, eCommerce stores have to use multilingual Chatbots to tap on new market opportunities.


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